The UK will hold a referendum on whether to leave the EU on 23 June.
UEA’s Professor Hussein Kassim is a UK in a Changing Europe Senior Fellow, organising a public series of events
Here are some podcast highlight speeches:
– Lord Lawson
– Mark Mardell
– Watch a public ‘ask the experts’ event held in Norwich
– Why does media coverage of the EU matter? A panel discussion chaired by chaired by John Peet, Political Editor, Economist.
– How good is the British media at reporting Europe? A panel discussion including Adam Boulton from Sky news
– The challenge of reporting EU news. A panel discussion including Anton La Guardia from the Economist.
– Reporting Europe: Is the UK different? A panel discussion including Professor Simon Hix, LSE.
The Story Continues with more analysis:
– The University of East Anglia’s Vice Chancellor, Professor David Richardson, sets out his views on the UK and the EU on Eastminster.
– Introducing Cameron’s EU red card will have limited impact, argues Sara Hagemann, Chris Hanretty and Simon Hix.
– Has the EU failed us, or have we failed to forge a European identity? Asks Marina Prentoulis